The school day
Each school day commences at 8:55am (with a readiness bell at 8:50am) and finishes at 3:00pm.
Children should plan to arrive at school around 8:30am unless they have organised before school commitments. Children arriving earlier should attend Before School Care, sit with a parent, or go to their classroom, if permitted to do so by their teacher.
Teachers are not rostered for grounds supervision before school. All playground equipment is out of bounds before and after school.
On Mondays we end the day with a brief assembly in the Multi purpose building from 2:30pm. This enables important messages to be disseminated, and also enables the school community to give recognition and share in the celebration of children's achievements.
Class times
8:50am: First Bell
9:00am:Lessons commence
11:00 -11:10am Eating Time
11:10-11:40am: Bell First break
11:40am Bell Stop play, toilet, drink and return to class
11:45am: Middle session commences
1:15-1:25pm: Eating Time
1:25pm - 1:55pm: Second break
1:55pm: Bell Stop play, toilet, drink and return to class
2:00pm: Afternoon session commences
3:00pm: School day concludes