Welcome to Mayfield OSHC
Our staff look forward to caring for your children and forming a meaningful and lasting relationship with you and your family.
Outside School Hours Care is a Mayfield State School Parents and Citizens Association run service, which is licensed and accredited.
We are open for:
- Before school care (6:45am - 9:00am)
- After school care (3:00pm - 6:00pm)
- Vacation care and pupil free days (6:45am - 6:00pm)
The service is located on school grounds, however it operates separate to the school. There is a strong collaborative relationship between the service, the school and the school community.
Our program is developed in line with the My Time Our Place Framework.
Weekly curriculum plans are emailed out each week to our families and is on display in the service for all staff, families and children to view. Children are consulted on a regular basis to decide on future planning activities.
We have photos and profiles of our staff located at the entrance to the OSHC building. Staff members are trained in Senior First Aid and hold a wide range of qualifications related to the care of children. Each holds a current Suitability Card for Child Related Employment, issued by the Commission for Children and Young People.
Further information about the services activities, experiences, philosophy and learning and developmental outcomes and goals are available on our website. Mayfield OSHC website
Enrolment documents and the Family handbook are also available on the Mayfield OSHC website.
Phone: (07) 3398 9599
Email: admin@mayfieldoshc.com.au
Sharnie Sue Yek