Our school motto is: REACH FOR THE SKY
"Reach for the Sky" is the title of Douglas Bader’s biography, written in 1954.
Our houses are: BADER , MALAN & OLIVE
Three houses were created in Mayfield's early years: Bader (yellow), Malan (red) and Olive (blue). Then in 1969 increased enrolment enabled the development of a new house:
Trent (green). By 1993, the school had reverted to the original three houses.
Each house is named after a famous pilot of the English speaking world whose fame was earned in World War II.

BADER—Group Captain Sir Douglas RS Bader 1910-1982
Douglas Bader was born in London in 1910. In 1931 he was seriously injured in a plane crash where he had both legs amputated and almost died.
When war broke out, the RAF would only offer him a ground job which he refused, but with persistence he fought his way back to flying.
For his achievements in the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) in 1940, and in January 1941 he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). From 1941 – 1945 he was a Prisoner of War in Germany.
After the war he increasingly gained celebrity status and became an inspiration to both disabled and able-bodied people.
Douglas Bader was knighted in 1976.

MALAN—Group Captain Adolph G Malan 1910-1963
Adolph (Sailor) Malan was born in South Africa in 1910. He was involved in action over Dunkirk, France in 1940, and awarded a DFC. He was also awarded a DSO late in 1940.
Sailor Malan wrote ‘10 Rules For Air Fighting’ which was distributed for general instruction throughout the RAF.
During World War II he was a RAF ‘ACE’ and credited with 35 victories.

OLIVE—Wing Commander CGC (Gordon) Olive 1916-1987
Gordon Olive was born in Brisbane in 1916 and educated at Brisbane Grammar School and Queensland University. He joined the RAAF in 1935. By 1940 he had become a Flight Commander seeing action over Dunkirk. Olive became an ‘ACE’ during the battle of Britain and was awarded the DFC in 1940.
In that year he formed and commanded 456 Squadron which was the RAAF’s only night fighter squadron unit. In 1942 he returned to Australia, then in 1944 he went to Air Defence Headquarters in Sydney.

(TRENT—Group Captain Leonard H Trent 1915-1986
Leonard Trent was born in New Zealand in 1915. He joined the Royal NZ Air Force in 1937 then, in 1938, he sailed for England where he commenced flying with the RAF. In 1940 he was awarded the DFC.
After a failed bombing raid he became a prisoner of war in Germany. He was the 79th Prisoner to attempt escape, in the "Great Escape’, March 1944, and was caught as he emerged from the tunnel exit.
He was released in 1945 and, after investigation, it was awarded with the Victoria Cross.)