On 23rd August, we will be having a performance of Roald Dahl's famous Revolting Rhymes to help us celebrate Book Week 2021.
The aims of the activity are connected primarily to the English subject. All classes will have taught poetry as part of the curriculum. This will allow them to connect their learning with a real world experience. There are other connections for students in the upper years where students can make comparisons of the performance with the text. There are also strong links with The Arts through performance and characterisation.
Performance details:
The performance company Shake & Stir has adapted Revolting Rhymes into a performance which takes the world's best-loved fairy tales and rearranges them with hilarious twists.
The show runs for 50 minutes and is followed by a 10 minute Q&A session where the students and other audience members can interact with the artists out of characters, ask questions about the show and production elements.
Held in the school hall
- 9am-10am: Prep – Year 2
- 10am-11am Year 2/3 and 3-6
Activity costs:
The cost of the performance is $7.80. If you wish for your child to participate in the activity, please complete the below consent form and return to your class teacher by 12th August. The cost of the performance will be invoced to you and you can pay via QParents or Bpoint from the bottom of your invoice. Please ensure you also return the consent form.